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Kascobond - Aluminium Composite

In its product range, Kascoplex offers high-quality aluminium composite sheets under the brand name Kascobond. As the name suggests, Kascobond sheet material is composed of aluminium and plastic. These sheets have a construction with two thin aluminium layers on the outside and a core of plastic on the inside. This design has the advantage that the sheets are significantly lighter than solid aluminium sheets. A notable feature of Kascobond is that it does not let light through, making it perfect for rooms where complete blackout is desired. Moreover, Kascobond offers excellent strength and rigidity thanks to its aluminium top layers.


The standard colour Kascoplex always has in stock is White. On request, we also supply non-standard colours such as grey or brushed grey. Standard thicknesses range from 1.5 to 6 mm. But as with solid acrylic sheets, the most commonly used thickness is 4 mm, which is always well in stock. The standard sheet sizes are: 1250 x 2580 mm and 1500 x 2580 mm. Thanks to its own sawing service, any size that falls within these can be made. Depending on the desired applications, Kascoplex can inform you which size, colour and thickness is most suitable for you.

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